Our business is trademarks.
Since 1982, we’ve pioneered the practice of trademark specialization. Our focus and expertise has resulted in smart, streamlined, and highly personalized trademark services.
We utilize our extensive global network to establish, protect and enforce trademark rights wherever you need.

We focus on how best to
safeguard the integrity
of your trademark.
Trademark Strategy & Portfolio Management
- Identify gaps in protection
- Develop a customized filing plan
- Manage global trademark rights
Trademark Registration
- Prepare and file trademark applications
- Prosecute trademark rights in Canada, the United States, and internationally
Trademark Enforcement & Dispute Resolution
- Prepare and respond to cease and desist letters
- Negotiate coexistence and settlement agreements
Trademark Searches
- Conduct trademark searches globally
- Provide opinions on registrability
Trademark Opposition & Cancellation
- File and prosecute opposition and cancellation proceedings
- Settlement negotiation
Trademark Agreements
- Prepare worldwide trademark assignments
- Prepare trademark license agreements for Canadian trademark rights